Hand Leg Arm Feet Limb Bags for Ozone Therapy 2 pieces – Ozone Inflamated Skin Treatment


Ozone limb therapy is used to treat gangrene, diabetic foot ulcers, bed sores, burns, tick (or any other insects) bites, any wounds that are infected or slow healing, or those that refuse to heal, nail fungus, any signs  inflammations and pain conditions included Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Rheumatoid Arthritis.

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Ozone Limb Bags for Ozone Therapy.

Size: 200mm X 620mm

Colour: transparent

1 x self-tapping connector

2 x ozone resistant bags

1 hook and loop strap 22”

Connect the connector to the bag by piercing it through. Place your limb inside of the bag and secure with the hook and loop strap (provided) to prevent ozone from escaping.

Used to treat gangrene, diabetic foot ulcers, bed sores, burns, tick (or any other insects) bites, any wounds that are infected or slow healing, or those that refuse to heal, nail fungus, any signs  inflammations and pain conditions included Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Rheumatoid Arthritis.  Ozone kills any bacteria, viruses, fungus, or moulds infecting the open wound, increase blood flow to the wound, and stimulates the healing process. It has been documented that many a body part has been spared amputation through the application of ozone in this method. Treatment times vary depending on the type of wounds being treated but typically range from 10 – 30 minutes.


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